HAPPY MONDAY! An off-hand remark from a pastor friend inspires today’s word-of-the-week… RADICAL My friend invited me to speak to a group of young adults last week. As we talked prior to the event he said, almost matter-of-factly, “I never stop being surprised by just how incredibly radical Jesus’ message really was.” He paused for […]
Continue readingWhat If Special Is Okay?
Becky and I once visited a very large church in another city. At the door the usher said, “Oh, you’ll want the special section.” It wasn’t a question. We were herded to the back, off to one side, where everyone with an obvious disability was grouped together. Becky, Monte, and I felt welcomed there, but […]
Continue readingWho’s In The Looking Glass?
How would you live a life that “magnifies the Lord?” Our small group looked this week at the passage known as “The Magnificat,” or Mary’s song of praise. In Luke 1:46 (ESV) she says, “My soul magnifies the Lord.” One of the discussion questions asked how you’d go about living a life that “magnifies the […]
Continue readingWhat If I’m Almost Sure I Will Lose?
As a kid I thought the only thing that really mattered in the Olympics was gold medals. Silver was okay, bronze seemed like a crummy consolation prize. I had no idea why the guys who finished twentieth even bothered. I’ve since realized my perspective was skewed by limited and somewhat biased television coverage. In those […]
Continue readingMaybe This Is Why People Are Unchurched
Our pastor recently stated that I live in one of the most “un-churched” communities in the U.S. I’m not sure how closely church attendance correlates to an authentic relationship with Jesus, but it’s worth asking why a large percentage of my hometown isn’t attracted to the message the institutional church offers. # # # After […]
Continue readingHow Does Riding A Bike Help People? (Guest Post)
Shared sacrifice to accomplish a common purpose forges lasting relationships. It’s one of the huge benefits of joining a team like the one that’s forming around FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ‘14. When you laugh, work, and sweat together as part of something bigger than yourself, I think you get a glimpse of connection as God […]
Continue readingDevalued
HAPPY MONDAY! I wish I wasn’t thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… DEVALUED I’m sad for a handful of friends who feel this morning as though their lives are once again devalued by the society in which they live. My friends sincerely believe today that they, their children, siblings, or other family members could be murdered in broad daylight, […]
Continue readingDo You Ever Wonder If It’s Worth It?
There’s no limit to what a committed, passionate group of people can accomplish when they trust God for the outcome. Most of us don’t appreciate the long-term impact of our efforts. I made a list of some people that might be touched by FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14. It’s a lot bigger and much more interconnected […]
Continue readingWhat’s With All The Lines?
Everywhere you look, someone’s drawing a line. The line identifies us. You’re either on my side, or the wrong side. You see the lines everywhere. I scrolled through my Facebook feed yesterday and realized I skipped a lot of items because they were about drawing lines. I’m tired of lines. Drawing lines is beyond discussing […]
Continue readingWhich Fear Is Worse?
Can you imagine doing work that placed your life in danger every day? Last evening our small group learned about the work of two missionaries who rescue kids from human traffickers. They offer medical care, love, and prayer to women in one of the darkest places on Earth. Their message of peace and freedom isn’t […]
Continue readingFearless
HAPPY MONDAY! A good friend’s Facebook comment prompts today’s word-of-the-week… FEARLESS I got a lesson in fearless this week. A Facebook friend wrote some courageous thoughts about how the world appears from her perspective. Latter she said she probably lost a few friends because she was so brutally honest and vulnerable. I reassured her. Real […]
Continue readingIs Competition Bad?
“What’s wrong with competing if you’re trying to accomplish something positive?” Now THAT’S a great question. The guys in the workshop were discussing self-defeating thought patterns that arise from treating life like an endless competition. I thought for a few moments. “There’s nothing wrong with competing—in the context of a game. Just be aware that […]
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