Ever Suffered From Reverse Pride?

junk“I’m a mess.”

It could’ve been me talking, though this time it happened to be one of the guys in my workshop. He repeated a familiar fear.

“How can God possibly forgive the horrible mess I’ve made of my life?”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said that…well, you know. Ever been there?

I thought back to something I heard a long time ago that was recently repeated in our small group. It’s called “reverse pride” and it goes something like this:

I’m the ONLY person in human history who’s so messed up that the cross can’t cover my sins.

Interesting notion, huh? God can forgive everyone else, but not me. I must be really special.

Reverse pride.

I am a mess, but not so much a mess that I’m beyond Jesus’ reach. His sacrifice covers me, and you, and everyone else who accepts it.

There’s nothing so uniquely horrific about my mistakes that can put them outside His grace. I’m just not that special.

Boy, am I glad.

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