Ever Suffered From Reverse Pride?

“I’m a mess.” It could’ve been me talking, though this time it happened to be one of the guys in my workshop. He repeated a familiar fear. “How can God possibly forgive the horrible mess I’ve made of my life?” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said that…well, you know. Ever been […]

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Is Facebook A Mission Field?

How do we bring people to Jesus? I saw an article that identified Facebook as perhaps the largest untapped mission field. The writer suggested that churches ought to develop systematic ways to reach people through social media. I’d suggest that most nonbelievers don’t get their impressions of Jesus from church programs and systems. Those folks […]

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It’s A Question Of Purpose

If you’ve been here awhile, you know Monte’s part of the team. I’m probably biased, but he’s pretty special. Beyond being a great dog, Monte lives with a specific purpose. His entire life is dedicated to service. Monte was selected as a small puppy based on particular personality traits. For months, skilled trainers developed and […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A friend’s conversation brings us today’s word-of-the-week… BUT “We’re supposed to love everyone, aren’t we?” “Yes, but…” “I don’t think we can add a ‘but…’.” As I understand it, the conversation pretty much died at that point. # # # When it comes to stuff like love, grace, and forgiveness, there’s no such […]

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Which Group Would Jesus Join?

Ever wonder which group Jesus would join? We take for granted that He’d be part of our group, right? He’d obviously share my theology, my politics, my national pride, and so on. It’s obvious because, well, I’m right. I’m being sarcastic, sort of. Driving home from a meeting yesterday I probably passed twenty churches and […]

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What If Scripture Is A Participation Sport?

Have you ever questioned an expert’s version of “what the bible says”? Yesterday I compared church to a football game: a lot of people who desperately need exercise sit around and watch a small group of people who desperately need rest. We’re especially in that mode when it comes to interpreting scripture. We often accept […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Some beautiful photography inspires today’s word-of-the-week… ART We attended a friend’s photography exhibition Friday evening. Rebecca’s mostlyself-taught—started snapping photos, enjoyed the results, bought better equipment, discovered she has a special eye, and developed her craft. Then she had the guts to share her art with the world. You should check out some of her […]

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Kingdom Return On Investment

A new friend asked me about sponsoring RICH’S RIDE. His request provided a great opportunity to re-examine our “value proposition,” a fancy way of defining what we offer in exchange for the dollars we receive. Our sponsors are incredibly generous, and the value proposition is how we make sure we’re accountable, responsible stewards. The goal, […]

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