Ever Get The Urge To Complain?

complainI sent an email yesterday that put some things in perspective.

I wrote to two American missionaries. As I proofed my message I realized the danger they encounter in tasks I take for granted.

I wonder about the remote possibility of identity theft if my personal details end up in the wrong hands on the Internet. They face the reality of authorities, corrupt government officials, or criminals appearing at their door every day because their mission isn’t welcome. They might face deportation, imprisonment, or much worse—with little recourse.

They can’t reveal even the vaguest information about where they work or what they do on the Internet. To do so would place their lives, and the lives of the people with whom they work, in danger. So while American Christian leaders trumpet their message from safe, comfortable stages, these folks serve in near-total anonymity.

They’re doing precisely what God’s called them to do. They’re not complaining.

So when I head out for my training ride this morning and a little sweat gets in my eyes, I don’t think I’ll complain, either.

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