
HAPPY MONDAY! A great group discussion got me thinking about two sides of today’s word-of-the-week… BEST I tossed out my idea that life doesn’t have to be a competition. In a group of men, I knew there’d be pushback. “Without competition, what’s the incentive to improve? Competition is just the way we’re wired. Everyone wants […]

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Figure It Out As You Go

Imagine learning to ride a bike while sitting still. Seems like it would be the safe way to begin, right? No risk from crashing into obstacles, wouldn’t need to steer, no worries about brakes or pedals. You could just concentrate on one skill, and after you mastered the whole balancing thing you could move on […]

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Abram Left Home

A really smart leader once told a class, “If you want to make sense of scripture, THINK HEBREW.” He wanted us to remember that scripture was written to an audience in a context. We understand scripture when we put ourselves in the sandals of those to whom it was originally written. When we immediately imagine […]

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The High Cost Of Cheap

I spend a lot of time thinking about bike tours. More accurately–I spend a lot of time thinking about how to get you involved in FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR. Not because it’ll help me, but because I sincerely believe becoming part of this community might be a life-changing experience for you and because together we […]

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Justice And Love

“Justice is what love looks like in public. “Justice that is only justice soon degenerates into something less than justice. Justice must be rescued by something deeper…and yes, that something is love.” Dr. Cornell West I highly recommend listening to Dr. West’s thought-provoking keynote address at The Trinity Institute’s CREATING COMMON GOOD conference. Please leave a […]

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I Don’t Care?

Last week a friend published a poem. He prefaced it with a disclaimer: “I don’t care whether you like it or not.” I thought it sort of sad that he felt the need to include that statement. Frankly, I didn’t believe him. We don’t write or paint or do any sort of art to please […]

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Let Go

“No, really…how do you stop worrying?” That’s basically the response when I offered a one-trick answer to an impossible question. “That dream stuff sounds all good and everything, but what happens in the REAL world?” Well, I don’t think following Jesus is idealistic or unrealistic. I do believe He offered practical, real-world guidance, but that […]

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Nothing (Repost)

Happy Monday! Okay, it’s a little weird, but for today’s word-of-the-week I’m thinking about NOTHING “Nothing” is an odd word. How can you write a blog post about nothing? You can play interesting word games with “nothing.” For example: A crust of bread is better than nothing, and nothing is better than a big, juicy […]

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