Two Roads Diverged?

choiceShould we focus on teaching scripture or on outreach and social justice?


Scripture-or-social-justice is a false choice created by people who are afraid. They want to build thick, fortified walls, fill the moat with monsters, and pull up the drawbridge so the big, bad, scary world can’t get in.

Trouble is, Jesus said we’re supposed to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and imprisoned. Matthew 25:34-45) And those folks are out there in that big, bad, scary world. If you take scripture seriously, you have to lower the drawbridge.

Scripture and social justice aren’t diverging roads demanding a choice. They’re more like a self-energizing cycle in which each feeds a need for the other.

The more I know Jesus, the more I’m convinced I can’t ignore injustice. And the more I see the broken world in which I live the more I want to know the true source of hope, grace, and agape.

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