Because I Said So?

Every parent and teacher wrestles with Why? As a new teacher my go-to response to Why? was Because I said so! After all, I’m the teacher. I make the rules, right? End of discussion. Took a lot of years for me to realize that Because I said so! was simply coercion. I have more power and control, so you have to […]

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Reversing The Question

What’s the heart of service? Helping those in need? Doing good? Supporting worthy causes? “I imagine that the first question the priest and the Levite asked was: ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But by the very nature of his concern, the good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I […]

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Old Wineskins (And Ideas)

I love new ideas. I can’t imagine anything better than building something brand-spanking-new composed of fresh, original notions. Built from scratch, all original ingredients, hand-designed from the ground up. Reflecting yesterday on lessons from MLK Day, I realized my ideal might not be the way things actually work. Of course we need new ideas, new relationships, new […]

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The Demanding Altar Of Right Now

Training happens slowly. You can’t rush the process of preparing for a marathon, a long-distance bike ride, performing surgery, playing a symphony. Training requires time and sacrifice. You can’t “cram.” We all knew friends (not us, of course!) who waited until the day before the test to study. The all-nighter, ten cups of coffee, and perhaps […]

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Who’s Gonna Win In 2017?

Suppose Bob and I enter a race, winner gets $50. Bob wins a tough contest and collects his money. The race director approaches and shakes hands with both of us. “Great race! You guys put on a great show.” Then he hands me a $50 bill. Bob’s angry, grumbles under his breath about how this “everybody gets a trophy” […]

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What’s New?

It’s a new year, and What’s New? is all the rage. What’s New? might be creative and cutting-edge. Or it might be marching in place, saying nothing in ten thousand words. Better question: What’s Next? Let’s make sure What’s Next? actually matters. New or not, let’s make sure What’s Next? moves the ball down the floor. New ideas. Excellence. How to invite folks to […]

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