Every parent and teacher wrestles with Why? As a new teacher my go-to response to Why? was Because I said so! After all, I’m the teacher. I make the rules, right? End of discussion. Took a lot of years for me to realize that Because I said so! was simply coercion. I have more power and control, so you have to […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
Reversing The Question
What’s the heart of service? Helping those in need? Doing good? Supporting worthy causes? “I imagine that the first question the priest and the Levite asked was: ‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But by the very nature of his concern, the good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I […]
Continue readingOld Wineskins (And Ideas)
I love new ideas. I can’t imagine anything better than building something brand-spanking-new composed of fresh, original notions. Built from scratch, all original ingredients, hand-designed from the ground up. Reflecting yesterday on lessons from MLK Day, I realized my ideal might not be the way things actually work. Of course we need new ideas, new relationships, new […]
Continue readingVillains And Victims And Heroes, Oh My!
What’s your role in the story? The villain harms someone, but it’s never his fault. He refuses to take responsibility, so he re-casts himself as a victim. We’re asked to feel sorry for this villain-turned-victim. Most of us would have a difficult time casting ourselves in the traditional, idealized role of hero. But in a […]
Continue readingThe Demanding Altar Of Right Now
Training happens slowly. You can’t rush the process of preparing for a marathon, a long-distance bike ride, performing surgery, playing a symphony. Training requires time and sacrifice. You can’t “cram.” We all knew friends (not us, of course!) who waited until the day before the test to study. The all-nighter, ten cups of coffee, and perhaps […]
Continue readingWhy Resistance Isn’t Always The Answer
Lots of conversation these days about resistance. Makes sense, I suppose, to fight something you oppose. But be careful. You tend to steer where you look. Focus on the thing you hate, and you end up immersed in a whole lot of hate. Focus on what you love, what you’re willing to fight for, and you […]
Continue readingWho’s Gonna Win In 2017?
Suppose Bob and I enter a race, winner gets $50. Bob wins a tough contest and collects his money. The race director approaches and shakes hands with both of us. “Great race! You guys put on a great show.” Then he hands me a $50 bill. Bob’s angry, grumbles under his breath about how this “everybody gets a trophy” […]
Continue readingAbout That Line In The Sand
A silly math joke: there are 10 kinds of people–those who understand the binary system, and those who don’t. You don’t have to appreciate the joke to understand the tendency to draw absolute lines. Yes/No. Either/Or. This/That. In/Out. With us/Against Us. Binary thinking makes things simple. Two categories, no muss, no fuss. Cross my line […]
Continue readingWhat’s New?
It’s a new year, and What’s New? is all the rage. What’s New? might be creative and cutting-edge. Or it might be marching in place, saying nothing in ten thousand words. Better question: What’s Next? Let’s make sure What’s Next? actually matters. New or not, let’s make sure What’s Next? moves the ball down the floor. New ideas. Excellence. How to invite folks to […]
Continue readingWhat To Remember about 2016
It’s time to look forward and to look back. Year-end recaps and New Year’s resolutions are the big thing. Yesterday I talked about remembering to be grateful. I thought of some other things I want to remember. I want to remember to be kind. Kindness is a priceless gift that costs me nothing. I want to […]
Continue readingA Year To Forget?
By many accounts, 2016 wasn’t a good year. As I read and listen to various summaries of the year just passed, the general consensus appears to be don’t let the door hit you in the backside on your way out! Seems like most folks can’t wait to move on from what they perceive as a year […]
Continue readingChristmas, Freedom, and Justice
A Journey for Freedom And Justice That’s the tagline we carried on the back of the FREEDOM TOUR jersey. The tour’s about bringing a bit of freedom and justice to some kids rescued from the horrors of human trafficking. I realize this week, as Christmas approaches, how easily I get caught up in doing the […]
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