The Art Of Natural (And Controlled) Light

cameraThe article said photographers use either Controlled Light or Natural Light.

Controlled Light attempts to make conditions reliable, predictable, identical. Controlled Light allows replication.

Natural Light is, well, natural. It’s what’s there, never quite the same, so the conditions become part of the creation. Each one’s unique.

Both take art, tools, and skill. One is up-front, removing variation, knowing how to create the right environment. The other is in the moment, knowing how to capture and take advantage of variation.

These notions apply to more than photography. Whenever we create something, anytime we follow a dream, we’ll fall somewhere on the continuum between Controlled Light and Natural Light.

As I read the photography article I thought about the FREEDOM TOUR and my competing desires for control and engagement.

Sometimes, when I’m frustrated, I’d love more Controlled Light. Reliability, predictability, no surprises, everything–and everyone–follows the plan. Well-oiled machine, defined inputs, repeatable outputs.

Except, of course, that’s not at all what we want. A bike tour isn’t a widget factory. We hope for relationships, for engagement and interaction among team members and with those we encounter.

Those are unpredictable, Natural Light instants. If you capture the moment, take advantage of the unexpected, you just might create a one-of-a-kind cherished memory.

Interesting interplay: In practice, efficient use of Controlled Light creates optimal conditions for capturing Natural Light.

Prologue 2016 4

A team with good group cycling safety habits, for example, is better able to be aware of opportunities to interact with people along the route. A certain amount of prior organization actually carves out time for calm and flexibility. No organization, no order, and you spend all your time putting out fires. In the chaos you’ll likely miss the cool stuff around you.

The art, it seems, is finding the balance. The perfect amount of Controlled Light allows us to see the unique beauty of the Natural Light moments when they occur.

Perhaps, in a small way, it’s metaphor for Jesus’ message. When we follow Him (Controlled Light) we’re in the place for which we were designed. We’re free (Natural Light) to experience the beauty of relationship.

Almost like the Artist knew what He was doing.

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