When Is Enough?

“Will ten years of the FREEDOM TOUR be enough?”

A friend asked the question last week. I didn’t have an immediate, clear response. I’ve thought about it – obviously, doing this forever isn’t an option. But…when?

I’ve been pondering for a few days. When I retired, I knew I wanted to retire “to” rather than “from.” I was done with being a professional educator, but not ready to do nothing. The dream of a cross-country ride was still far in the future.

The dream became a reality, and eventually blossomed into nine remarkable years of the FREEDOM TOUR. And there’s always “What’s next?” and now the idea that Year 10 might somehow represent THE END.

Like I said, I’ve been pondering, wondering how I’d respond, when I encountered this quote from President Carter:

“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something. My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with what whatever I have to try to make a difference. ~ Jimmy Carter

I can only aspire to President Carter’s lifetime of selfless sacrificial service and humility. Like him, I’m grateful for the resources and support system that allow me to continue this service.

Will ten years be enough?

At this point, I’ll try to follow James’ guidance and take things a day at a time. A lot depends on that support system, the amazing circle of people who surround us and make the magic happen. But it’s become clear to me.

I’ve been given a gift, and the whole purpose of a gift is to share it. So I’ll continue to invite you to join me.

Let’s do what we can, where we are, with what we have, and trust God for the outcome.

2 thoughts on “When Is Enough?

  1. Ron - August 31, 2021

    Thanks for the encouragement.
    At times I struggle with what to do to help when children can’t seem to get past things in life that keep knocking them down. So I will do the best I can with what I have and trust God for the outcome.

    1. Rich Dixon - August 31, 2021

      Exactly! Let’s do that together.

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