I think a lot about my job description.
When Becky and I started doing bike tours, I didn’t anticipate a team. Even when we did the first FREEDOM TOUR in 2013, I didn’t envision hundreds of cyclists and more than a quarter million dollars.
I believe this whole crazy thing is the result of doing our best and trusting God for the outcome. Becky and I try to hold the tour palms up, in open hands, while being responsible stewards of this remarkable gift.
So, back to the question – what’s the job?
Building websites. Planning routes. Raising funds. I do that stuff, but I don’t think those things are “the job” of being a steward of the FREEDOM TOUR.
More and more I see a bit chunk of my role (and Becky’s) as designing opportunities. We’re about finding ways for people to join the circle, to engage with this amazing community and follow Jesus’ command to seek justice. And then it’s our job to encourage people to use their unique gifts and interests to advance the kingdom.
Maybe you’re wondering, “How does this apply to me?”
Whether or not you’re an identified “leader”, all of us a part of communities. Family. Work. Church. Neighborhood. What would it look like if we took on this kind of role in our circles? What if we all looked for opportunities to bring others into the circle?
You don’t need a title, or even permission, to do that. You just need to believe everyone belongs.
And grace. You need a lot of grace.
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One of the fun parts of my job is telling you about the exciting stuff our team does. Please take a moment to read our 2020 REVIEW. I know you’ll be encouraged and inspired.