Widgets Or Art?

Widget makers value consistency. Every widget must be exactly alike, so the factory thrives on rules and procedures designed to produce conformity. On the assembly line it’s about interchangeable parts and elimination of individualism, freedom, creativity. Not a value judgement, just what’s required to produce consistently high-quality widgets. The FREEDOM TOUR is more art studio […]

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Glory Days?

Everyone has a story. We’ve heard it a million times, but what if it’s wrong? Or, what if there’s perhaps a better, more helpful way to think of it. Suppose, instead of “I have a story,” you and I re-frame the narrative a bit. You don’t have a story. You are a story. Suppose, rather […]

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Where’s The Hope?

Their mothers are slaves, forced into prostitution in horrific, degrading conditions. They were born in a brothel, destined to life as sexual slaves on G.B. Road, literally one of the darkest, saddest, most hopeless places on Earth. No notion of education. Or play. Nothing we associate with a “normal” childhood. They’re not even really part […]

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