Bike Around The World…Really?

ActonCan you imagine riding your bike around the world?

Last Friday, Becky, Monte, and I were guests at the sendoff party as my friend Dr. Scott Acton embarked on a solo, unsupported, 16,500 mile bike trip called the James Webb Space Telescope World Bicycle Tour.

Scott’s tour is the result of a decades-old dream with an incredible backstory. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness at times Scott and his family certainly couldn’t see it.

Scott and I crossed paths a few years ago at a book signing. A conversation between kindred spirits sparked something in Scott’s soul and re-kindled what he believed to be a lost dream. Last Friday’s sendoff was the result.

Now that the story is unfolding, it’s difficult to imagine it happening any other way. I’m sure Scott would agree, though I’m also sure there were times of frustration when he wondered what in the world God was up to.

I know the feeling.

Becky recorded a portion of Scott’s story. Not great video but a wonderful picture of a man about to follow his dream. I’d encourage you to take eight minutes and watch.

Can’t see the video? Click here.

A bike trip around the world! Now that’s gotta inspire you to find a way to start training and get involved in the FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR.

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The James Webb Space Telescope will replace the Hubble Telescope in a few years. Scott’s been part of a team at Ball Aerospace developing components for this telescope.

As part of his tour, Scott will lecture to audiences around the world about this remarkable technology. Check out his web site for more info:

1 thought on “Bike Around The World…Really?

  1. Why Not? | Rich's Ride - April 6, 2016

    […] Our culture tells us impact is all about power and control, or at least fame and flash. Most folks, I think, would like to make an impact, but they’re unlikely to do something outrageous like riding a bike around the world. […]

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