Out Of The Comfort Zone

2015-TEDxFR-GENERATIONS-LOGO-1I was sure I wouldn’t be accepted.

Last October I saw an invitation to submit proposals for TEDx Front Range. If you’re not familiar, TEDx is a local affiliate of the international TED organization. TED talks are interesting, incredibly well done, and cover a wide range of topics.

Anyway, I submitted a proposal, mostly on a whim, and made the first cut. I proceeded through the process and, very much to my surprise, my “Idea Worth Sharing” was accepted!

I’m on the TEDx Front Range program.

But here’s the thing–if you want to move out of your comfort zone, take something you do fairly easily and move it into an entirely new arena. TED talks are unlike any other public speaking I’ve done.

For one thing, there’s a clock. I’m expected to speak for ten minutes–exactly, including applause. Not a few seconds shorter or longer, but ten minutes on the nose.

There’s a red dot about two feet in diameter in the center of the stage. I’m supposed to remain within that dot. While the clock ticks.

No notes, either. I wouldn’t want to read the speech anyway, but “no notes” basically means memorizing so I can focus on the audience and on delivery. And on staying on the dot. And paying attention to the clock.

Former first-timers say it’s quite stressful, but I refuse to turn it into a high-stress, high-stakes proposition. I choose instead to see an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone.

I enjoy public speaking, but this will challenge my usual impromptu, storytelling approach. I’ll need to learn some new approaches, and certainly I’ll experience more than usual butterflies.

Have I felt some fear? Of course! I’m sure there will be more. Honestly, I’m a bit fearful as I write this. But fear is part of following the dream.

Maybe I can have a little fun, like going ten seconds over the time limit on purpose. What are they going to do, drag the guy in the wheelchair off the stage?

What’s your dream? What’s the fear you need to face? Maybe you can accept a challenge that forces you out of that familiar comfort zone.

It’s the price of following the dream. Costly, but cheaper than the cost of playing it safe.

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1 thought on “Out Of The Comfort Zone

  1. […] questions, for sure. I’ve been thinking about my ideas in connections with the TEDx Front Range talk I’m doing next month, and I thought I’d share a bit of it here. I’d […]

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