Is There Always A Reason?

“Do you believe everything happens for a reason?”

TC Tucson 1

The questions following our presentation at Teen Challenge/Tucson got progressively deeper and more intense. Then the guy in the front row took the discussion to a new level.

I love the question. I’m just not sure I’m the right guy to provide the answer.

But I’ve learned something. If you’re going to tell your story and talk openly about how Jesus transformed your life, people will want to know your thoughts about difficult issues. And if you’re going to talk about courage, you need the courage to answer respectfully and honestly.

So my answer was, “No, I don’t think everything happens for a reason—not in the way most people use that statement.”

Now, I suppose, I should try to explain.

  • I believe God’s in control.
  • He gave us free will. We’re not robots or puppets.
  • Evil exists in this world. Bad stuff happens that God doesn’t “cause.”

I absolutely do not believe God caused my injury. When I was paralyzed, Jesus stood beside me and wept.

Could God heal me? Of course, and I believe he has healed me! I don’t know why He hasn’t mended my body, but in every way that matters I am completely, totally healed. For the rest—I don’t know how that works.

I firmly believe God uses EVERYTHING for good (Romans 8:28). I believe He redeems every bit of struggle and pain—on HIS time schedule, according to HIS vision. I believe that, even when I don’t see the results I want.

So even though God didn’t cause my injury, He’s used it in powerful ways for good. But that doesn’t mean my injury happened for those reasons.

TC Tucson 2When people say, “Everything happens for a reason,” they usually mean “God made this happen so that would happen.” We’d like to see the cause/effect relationship. Somehow we think there’s comfort in knowing the “reasons” for the chaos and evil we encounter—even if the reasons are a myth.

I just don’t think it’s that simple. God didn’t need my injury to advance His work.

I believe He always works to bring good in all circumstances. That’s enough.

Those are brief thoughts about difficult issues. It’s certainly not a complete explanation. I’d love to hear your ideas and responses.

Does everything happen for a reason?

Please leave a comment here.


3 thoughts on “Is There Always A Reason?

  1. Roger Hageman - October 29, 2013

    Amen Rich,
    It is so good you are there to answer those questions, I’m sure they respect your answers and life statement. 🙂
    It is good for me to hear it also.

    Roger Hageman

  2. sharman - October 29, 2013

    I get it…..during our small group, we have had this discussion…each time I have left this group, not in total agreement, but knowing I am surrounded by “much wiser”. I feel like I just got a math problem that you have been trying to teach me for….how many years?….WHEW!!!!
    Thanks, Rich

  3. Sandra Sorrell - October 29, 2013

    Hi Rich,

    What wonderful insight you shared. Thanks


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