Are You Ready?

If you haven’t heard, there’s a bike ride coming up. Three weeks from today we’ll crank out of Jacksonville to begin Florida Hope Tour 2013. We’re excited.

Becky and I will welcome some warm weather. Monte’s just anxious to get outside and go running again.

One of my big hopes is for you to be as involved as possible in this God-sized dream. As I’ve said before, RICH’S RIDE is a community. Without you it’s just an old guy riding a bike.

Using my graphic, let’s review some of the possibilities.

Join the circle. Subscribe to receive free blog updates, follow along, and be part of the conversation. Like our Facebook page.

Spread the word. Let others know about what we’re doing together and encourage them to join the fun. Know somebody in Florida? Hook us up. Here’s a fun suggestion: download our media guide and send it to a few Florida media outlets with an enthusiastic note—or post it on their Facebook page. It’s easy–you can find them on Google–and the more they hear about us the more likely they are to respond.

Buy a book. It’s another way to help spread the word. Consider giving one to someone who’s searching for hope. Your purchases help us with our on-the-road expenses, so you’re contributing to spreading this message of hope.

Feed some hungry kids. Your donation to Convoy Of Hope changes the world for the kids they feed. Enough said.

Take the 1000 challenge. Join the folks who’ve committed to do a thousand of something as I crank 1000 miles.

Ride along. Join us for a few days, or help us find someone who can. If you’re not a rider, Becky can always use help with driving and logistics. More details here.

And finally, the cloud is my way of inviting you to:

Discover and follow your own dream. The world tells us dreams are impossible and dreamers irresponsible. God tells us exactly the opposite.

I believe God wants us to dream bigger than our abilities and trust Him for what seems impossible without Him. I’ll leave you with two quotes from the new book.

A dream is the God-inspired desire to share your unique gifts and passions to serve others and change the world.

A dream is a story waiting to be written.

What’s the God-sized story you want to write on the days of your life? Are you ready to begin?

Please leave a comment here.

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