
This chapter’s ended. People tell me they’re inspired.

I’m glad. That’s one of the thing I hoped to accomplish.

But I’m wondering exactly what it means.

“Expire” means to die, literally to exhale the breath of life. So “inspire” should imply inhaling life, breathing in something that’s life-enhancing.

I can’t imagine anything better than an endeavor that breathes life into others. It’s truly a humbling feeling. However, I’m left to wonder: inspired to do…what?

As a teacher I believed that learning had to involve some change in behavior. Simply knowing facts and formulas isn’t really learning if it doesn’t change the way students approach problems.

I think inspiration’s the same. If I’m inspired, shouldn’t something change? Shouldn’t I be inspired to do something different?

So today’s post is really a question—and perhaps a bit of a challenge—for you. If you’ve been inspired by the story of Rich’s Ride, has that inspiration prompted a change? Are you inspired to do something different?

# # # # #

Sunday I was invited to speak to HEC (Handicapped Encountering Christ) in New Orleans. We enjoyed a great discussion, but the real fun happened when we went across the street to show off the bike.

One young lady named Phong wanted to try it. Phong might be 4’8” tall, so we had some good-natured fun getting her on a bike adjusted for my 6’1” frame. But she managed, and soon she was zipping around the parking lot with a huge smile on her face.

“I gotta get one of these!”

I’ve been wondering this weekend about what’s next. Specifically, I’ve been asking if I could muster the courage to attempt something like this again.

Phong’s smile inspires me. It reminds me of the amazing people and the divine appointments we’ve experienced. It’s exactly what I needed to KNOW that I’m open to whatever’s next.

I’m inspired by all of you to listen and respond to God’s direction. Whatever’s next, if there’s the possibility of prompting smiles like this, I’m in.


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4 thoughts on “Inspired?

  1. Rochelle Mynatt - November 8, 2011

    I have tried 3 times to send a message to you.I have followed your trip and told several of your class mates what you were doing.Bought your book first!!Loved it!!I guess I don’t know Becky but she seems like the best thing in your life besides Monte.I hope you keep your web site open so I can show it to others!!Proud of your accomplishments and
    what you do to help others.
    Shelly 69’er

  2. dale - November 7, 2011

    I’m inspired to help strangers like you more in the future. And though, I didn’t know you at all and was super busy. I’m so glad God helped me break out of the routine and ask Bruce to do so also. We received so much from the Lord.
    Second, I am inspired to be more intentional in giving “hope” to people.
    I was there in the back during your presentation to “The Reality” inner city youth group. It inspired me to the point I need to do more
    to give people hope day to day, week to week; and since you were here
    that’s what I’m not only more aware of doing but by His Grace actually doing. God Bless you and Becky (she really inspired me to!!!!). So did Monte!
    In His Love and Hope
    dale (Carbondale,Ill.) Romans 15:4

  3. Jeannette - November 7, 2011

    My friend Linda at work send a high five! Have been sharing your story with her and showing her some of the pictures. I think it has made a difference in her heart to see that someone would attempt this. I don’t know if it will inspire her to change, but we will see.

  4. Phuong Pham - November 7, 2011

    Rich & Becky! I was so nice to of met ya’ll yesterday. Thank ya’ll for the inspirational speech ya’ll gave. We all have our own journey to go on; disabled or not, it is up to us on what we make of it. Meeting someone like yourself always inspires me to better myself in all aspect of my life. I do hope that ya’ll continue to help inspire others as long as U can. God always use us as an instrument to help others. Can U give me any contacts as far as trying to get someone to help me get a hand cycle? I would greatly appreciate it! I would love to join ya at some point if I can get one. Love a good workout! Thanks again for all that ya’ll have done throughout the yrs. Keep up the great work…

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