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Make Disciples

Last time I talked about the idea that it might take 300 touches, 300 impressions or interactions, for some people to really encounter Jesus. It got me thinking about the great commission, Jesus’ commandment to go and make disciples. And it seems like we’ve turned that into an entire industry of mission trips and church […]

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Quid Pro Quo

We’re sort of conditioned into a quid pro quo idea of generosity. Want great service? Tip generously. It’s odd, because the link implies there’s no point to giving generously if we don’t get something in return. At the FREEDOM TOUR, we’re surrounded by one-way generosity, by people who give time, talent, and money – expecting […]

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Let’s Go!

What if you could stand against injustice simply by walking, running, or riding your bike? What if every mile raised a dollar, and what if you were part of a community accumulating miles and dollars that change the lives of kids rescued from human trafficking? We would like to invite you to join the HOPE […]

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We’re In!

For me, this week marks an anniversary. The occasion recalled a question. More than 40 years ago, a pastor asked if Jesus welcomed outcasts and embraced untouchables to make them acceptable to God. His answer: a resounding NO! He did it to show them, and everyone else, that God had already accepted them. To a […]

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