It seems like the more times I travel around the sun, the more nuance I discover in the world. Most situations don’t lend themselves to the black and white solutions we wish for. As much as we would like a pill for every malady and an answer to every difficult question, more and more it […]
Continue readingCategory: Freedom Tour
A friend sent a newsletter in which he talked about unfair circumstances. Got me thinking about the source of our notion of fairness. Where did we ever get the idea that circumstances ought to be fair? I don’t really have an answer, other than for me unfair usually means I didn’t get what I expected […]
Continue readingAbout Inspiration
At the FREEDOM TOUR, we seek to make a small change in the world. We do that by supporting a group of kids rescued from human trafficking, and to accomplish our goal we need to bring along a circle of people. I spend a fair bit of time thinking about the best way to attract […]
Continue readingAbout Fights
“Life’s not a battle…unless you choose to fight.” I wrote that several years ago in a social media post. I was amazed by how many people disagreed. It’s almost as though they wanted to, uh, fight? Gotta fight, they said. Gotta fight evil. Gotta fight the enemy. Gotta fight sin. Gotta fight human trafficking. Gotta […]
Continue readingPeople Pleasing
To some extent, we all get caught in the trap of people-pleasing. It’s natural to want folks to like us, perhaps even admire us. Becomes a problem, though, when we start orienting our choices around what we think might impress others. I thought about how this might look as we seek to serve riders and […]
Continue readingHappy?
Happy New Year! It’s the customary greeting, and of course we wish happiness for our friends in 2024. However… Perhaps you and I seek something beyond “happy” as we enter a new year. It could be many things, I suppose, but I’m thinking about writing stories, following paths, with purpose. Too easy, I think, to […]
Continue readingWhat’s The Point?
Last week, I indulged in a couple of personal riffs about life before and after my injury. I found myself asking a question: “What’s the point?” It’s a question that can take us in different directions. It might indicate despair, as if there is no point in continuing. Believe me, there are times when my […]
Continue readingAbout What Matters
What matters? Are we willing to sacrifice for it?
Continue readingAbout Maps
When we ask for maps…He gives us people.
Continue readingWho’s In Charge?
Not me! I was never *in charge* of my classroom. First, anyone who believes they’re in charge of a room full of teenagers for any length of time is delusional. Beyond that, demanding compliance through coercion isn’t particularly effective. I didn’t want to spend my days playing whack-a-mole with kids who challenged my “authority.” As […]
Continue readingLove…and Hope
Love and hope…a powerful combination.
Continue readingGet Off My Lawn
I don’t have to invite people to toss their trash on my lawn. I do, though, through TV and social media, the “junk” I invite into my brain. Do you have any of that in your life? I wonder why, when I know there’s a better way. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever […]
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