Through New Eyes

Last night we described the HOME OF HOPE to a brand new audience. As I listened to their questions I realized I almost take this incredible place for granted. I think about it, write about it, and talk about it so frequently that it’s become like part of the family. I say HOME OF HOPE […]

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Freedom Tour Prologue 2015

FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’15 is underway. This year we tried something new, a one-day Community Prologue a week in advance of the actual tour. Riders chose between 30-mile and 58-mile routes. The weather was spectacular, and the day was a great success. The riders began in a big circle, symbolic of their participation in […]

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How To Control The Future

Mostly, you can’t. My first teaching evaluations were largely about classroom control. The theory, I suppose, went something like this: get the students under control, then you can teach them. So the questions weren’t about lesson plans, they were about How will you keep your classroom under control? No control, no teaching. Those evaluators would have been appalled by […]

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How To Write A Big Story

As a cyclist, I enjoy following le Tour de France each year. I don’t always understand all of the intricacies of strategy and tactics, but I appreciate the difficulty of riding more than one hundred miles per day for three weeks over some of the highest, steepest mountains in the world. (I borrowed these thoughts […]

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Watch How You Use SAG

On a cycle trip, SAG stands for “Support And Gear.” I’ve learned, however, that “SAG team” might have other implications since our team is entirely post-40. So in the interest of personal safety, I’ve adopted the French term soigneurs for our support team. On a cycle racing team, soineurs are responsible for the day-to-day needs of the cyclists–food, clothing, […]

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Not So Special After All

In my school classes like art and music were called “specials.” I always thought that was odd since math was the most special class of all. When you start attaching labels, weird things happen. Last week I called myself The Special Needs Guy on our team. A few folks, notably my friend Kristen, called me out. […]

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They’re All Shook Up

Everyone walked away. Five members of our team were on a training ride last week. A car passed, swerved, over-corrected, then rolled multiple times before slamming into a telephone pole. This all happened within fifty yards of our riders. Two guys ran to the car, expecting horrific injuries. Amazingly, both folks were able to climb […]

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A River Of Life

God continues to expand the circle around the FREEDOM TOUR. When we started this crazy idea two summers ago we believed He would bring the right people into the circle. The process hasn’t always gone according to MY plan, but looking back it’s amazing to trace His faithfulness. He’s consistently brought people and partners who […]

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