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Cliffs Notes

Two academics want to speed up baseball games. Steven Brams and Aaron Isaksen proposed a fairly radical rule change. They claim their idea, tested on 100,000 games over the last 50 years, would reduce the average game time by nearly 30 minutes and make games more competitive by limiting one-sided “blowout” affairs. I love baseball. […]

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Why All The Stories?

“Why spend so much time telling stories?” It’s a common question, for the FREEDOM TOUR and most endeavors. What’s the big deal with the pictures, the videos, the constant effort to share the memories? It’s not a flashback to Glory Days. Storytelling, it seems, is essential for community. “Where common memory is lacking, where people […]

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2018 – The Final Verse

Today begins the final episode of FREEDOM TOUR ’18. Our cyclists will ride from Buena Vista to Aspen. During the next 4 days they’ll climb 3 passes (Independence, Vail, and Fremont) and stop in Aspen, Eagle, and Breckenridge. 20,000 ft of climbing (and descending) in some of Colorado’s most iconic and stunning surroundings. I’m anticipating an […]

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Teamwork Goes Both Ways

I’m grateful for wise friends. I’ve been thinking about Shared Sacrifice and teamwork. I got focused on each person’s individual responsibility to the team, a commitment to sacrifice personal comfort to accomplish a bigger mission. One of my wise friends suggested it’s a two-way road. He’s right, of course. Teams are relationships, and one-sided relationships don’t last. […]

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Our Kids

Our kids. That’s how I think of the children at the HOME OF HOPE, how I often refer to them. I’ve never met them, don’t know their names, haven’t listened to their personal fears and dreams. They’re no different than millions of children in difficult circumstances. But, in my mind, they’re “our kids.” They’re on […]

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