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Back in the old days – three or four months ago – bike tours involved groups and maps. Everyone meet here. Go that way. Turn left at the second light, right at the highway, and stay together. We even had electronic gizmos to keep us on course. So what happens in a new world? What […]

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The FREEDOM TOUR is quite a balancing act. Get it? Bikes…balancing? Okay, it’s a bad pun. But in current circumstances, our team is doing an actual balancing act. And you’re wondering about “Coming Soon,” right? Keep reading… As restrictions are relaxed, we hear so many contradictory messages. Most organized bike rides have canceled. It’s safe […]

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Faked Out

Bike riding can trick you. You crank along, mile after mile, and nothing much changes. You get lulled into the idea that it’ll always be like that. Suddenly, your nice, smooth ride is interrupted by a flat tire. Maybe it was random debris, or a pothole, or a worn tube/tire. Whatever the cause, you were […]

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Who We Are

Human trafficking didn’t shut down. No surprise, perhaps, that those who prey upon the weak and marginalized don’t observe niceties like social distancing. Ruthless criminals exploit vulnerability wherever they find it. No surprise, either, that those already rescued and living in shelters and safe houses are struggling during this crisis. As lock downs limit access […]

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Principles written on paper aren’t worth much. Unless, of course, they’re backed up with action. High-sounding honor codes mean nothing if they’re not reflected in tough choices. It’s the behavior that’s matters. I’ve told you before that in later years my classroom operated on a single principle: Everyone (including the teacher) gets treated with dignity […]

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