
Welcome to Monday—and another word-of-the-week. This week’s word is … STORY An exasperated teacher once admonished a complaining student, “If you’re bored, you’re boring!” I couldn’t think of a snappy comeback all those decades ago, probably because he was right. If I’m bored by this part of my journey, the best question I can ask […]

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Big Wisdom From A Small Mouth

As a former teacher, I was inspired by kids. I learned more from my students than they could possibly have learned from me. I taught them a bit of mathematics. They taught me about wonder and possibility, about seeing the world through eyes not yet jaded by the experience of what can’t be done. They taught […]

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Sins Of Righteousness

What’s the ultimate sin? I’ve always figured sin was sin, none any better or worse than others. I’ve always wondered about folks who seem to categorize sins and set themselves apart as though there’s something admirable about belonging to a better class of sinner.

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Lessons From The Mountaintop

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it. Now what? Remember the feeling of December 26th? The big buildup, the anticipation, and the excitement of The Big Event, and then—what? Disappointment? Disillusionment? What do you do when the day after the big day […]

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Can Real Men Do Gentle?

Here’s this week’s contribution to the One-Word-At-A-Time Blog Carnival. I encourage you to click the link and check out some of the other carnival attractions. As we work our way through the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), this week’s word is: GENTLENESS What do you think? Can real men do gentle? For most of my life, […]

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Another week. Another opportunity to make a difference, to be generous, to matter. Another word-of-the-week: INSPIRATION What inspires you? I’m inspired when I see someone take a risk, overcome obstacles, and accomplish something great. That sort if example makes me want to step out of the shadows of my tendency to seek safety and predictability. […]

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The Lord’s Prayer

I hope you’re enjoying a blessed and peaceful Easter weekend. Does prayer ever become something of a formality for you? I struggle with prayer. My mind wanders, I lose focus, I’m in too much of a hurry. On this important day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I want to do a little better. Someone […]

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Gifts And Rewards

When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to […]

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Leading Or Herding?

We must become the change we wish to see in the world. Ghandi What’s required to change the world? Let’s think big, beyond small-time issues like economy and war. What do you think it would take to really change the world?

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How To Change Another Person

Why is it the people who need the most help… won’t take it? Norman Maclean (A River Runs Through It) Who’s that person in your life who needs to change? Perhaps a boss bullies and controls or fosters chaos through indecisiveness. Maybe a coworker refuses to communicate or a friend follows a self-destructive path. Possibly […]

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Someone commented last week that “Happy Monday” is an oxymoron. I think it was a joke. Monday is word-of-the-week day, and this week’s word is TRANQUILITY In case you haven’t noticed, the world isn’t an especially tranquil place. Wars rage in many corners of the globe. Anger, conflict, and hostility seem to permeate media, business, […]

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