
Happy Monday! I’m in a hurry to write about today’s word-of-the-week… Wait I’m writing this on the morning of the Super Bowl. In America it’s perhaps the largest social event of the year—sorta sad, but that’s for another day. The Super Bowl is apparently a football game that involves maybe an hour of football, two […]

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What To Do With Adversity

Happy Saturday! I thought this video was pretty cool. Notice how the performer deals with the cell phone “interruption” toward the end. Can’t see the video? Click here. I’ve always bristled at the notion of welcoming adversity, but this offers a new perspective. The violinist turns what might have been a rude, negative incident into […]

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Necessary No’s

Do you have trouble saying NO? One of the popular bits of advice floating around these days is to say NO more frequently. You’re heard it. We’re all over-committed. Too much on the schedule, too many demands, too much media, email, and activity. We scramble from one shallow thing to the next like a stone […]

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Compass And Co-Author

One of the things I like about blogging is the stuff I miss. I miss a lot. It’s an immediate medium. I do actually put a bit of thought into the words, but we all know it’s also something of an in-progress work. So I frequently receive comments that cause me to think deeper or […]

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The Middle Of Nowhere

I’m sharing some excerpts from my in-progress manuscript about Rich’s Ride. You can check out previous posts here. # # # # # I learned a lot during RICH’S RIDE. Some of what I learned was new, most of it was reminders of stuff I already knew. It’s interesting to learn new stuff you already […]

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Share A Great Story

Everybody’s got a story. Have you ever thought about that? Wherever Becky and I tell the story of RICH’S RIDE, we inevitably hear compelling stories in return. It’s as though hearing about our adventure releases others to share their own experiences. I love listening to these stories. We often hang around for a long time […]

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Happy Monday! This weekend reminded me of an uncomfortable word-of-the-week… DIVIDE One of the cool things about speaking to different groups is worshipping in a variety of churches. I find it refreshing to remember that Jesus is worshipped in many different ways. Ministers wear robes, pastors wear blue jeans. Electric guitars, pipe organs, pianos, old […]

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Who’s Special?

Yesterday (Great Grape Or Second Banana) I wrote about using our unique gifts. I’d like to expand a bit. The more I think about it the more I’m convinced that the notion of “special needs” isn’t biblically sound. My friend Tim pastors a church in Denver, and he talks a lot about the “Y’all Come […]

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Great Grape Or Second Banana

I’ve been invited to speak at a church in Boulder, Colorado this weekend. The topic is Rich’s Ride and how it relates to people with special needs in the church. I’ll write a bit more about my actual message tomorrow. Today I simply want to express my gratitude. This picture shows perhaps the most difficult […]

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