Enough (part 1)

It’s a common occurrence in our small group.

We study a passage and dig out its meaning. Then comes the inevitable question:

How do we make this real in our daily lives?

This time the passage was from Mark 1 and the central issue was the authority of Jesus. We talked around the details and finally distilled a central thought:

Jesus is THE ultimate authority. Over everything. Period.

The thing is, we all know that. It’s not a new idea. Everyone in the group acknowledges Jesus’ absolute authority.

And then we confronted that pesky question: How do we make this real in our daily lives?

We talked around it. It seemed that we’re all sort of frustrated with studying and acknowledging and not-knowing how to let it impact the daily stuff. We talked about the things we KNOW He understands and cares about and deals with for us. We wondered why, when we know that, we still fuss and worry.

And then someone said, “What would Jesus say to us, about any particular situation, if He was sitting in that chair?”

Good question. We talked around that one and finally came down to something pretty simple.

Jesus would listen. Deeply. And then He’d say, “I know. I understand. And I’m taking care of it.”

And we wondered…would that be enough?

Good question.

Would Jesus words—“I know. I understand. I’m taking care of it.”—be enough?

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