Babies And Books

I’ve never given birth to a baby. As a writer, producing a book is about as close as I’ll get to that feeling. That’s a good thing from just about every perspective I can imagine. This week is all about anticipation as we await delivery (birth reference) of the first copies of the new book. We’ve […]

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Just Say Yes?

A couple of weeks ago I received a speaking invitation. The guy inviting me was excited about sharing my message with his team. He went on…and on…about how inspired they’d be, how much it would help them with some issues they faced. We discussed his proposal. Small group. No publicity. No chance to sell books […]

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I’ve been using my spiffy circle graphic to encourage you to engage with RICH’S RIDE. The bike represents the opportunity to come to Florida and ride along with us for a few days or contact a friend who lives there and might want to crank a few miles. I hope you’ll consider those possibilities. I realize […]

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Happy Monday! From Twitter, that fountain of eternal wisdom, comes the inspiration for today’s word-of-the-week… BIRTH “Christmas means nothing without Easter. Jesus’ birth is meaningless without His death.” I get the point, but I’d take issue with this tweet from a well-known Christian pastor. Frankly, I can’t think of a context in which Jesus’ birth […]

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People Helping People

Happy Saturday! Somewhere, somehow, a weird thing has happened. We acquired the notion that’s it’s somebody else’s responsibility. The rich guys, the big companies, the government, the bosses…it’s their job, their responsibility. What’s “it”? I don’t know. A need to be met, a problem to be solved, a decision to be made. Whatever it is, […]

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Do Numbers Matter?

I’m challenging you to Do A Thousand Of Something as a tangible way of engaging with our 1000-mile ride in Florida Hope Tour 2013. It’s worth asking whether we really need to keep score. Is there anything special about 1000? Do numbers really matter? Yeah, I think they do. But maybe not in the way […]

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It’s Not Fair!

No, it’s not. If it was fair, millions of people wouldn’t lack access to clean water while I leave the faucet running. If it was fair, kids in one part of the world wouldn’t walk miles for the chance at a basic education while students cut class at the modern, high-tech high school up the […]

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What Would You Cast Off?

Our small group has been working through Mark’s Gospel, verse by verse, for several months. I keep learning how much I miss in apparently familiar stories. This week we looked at the story in which Jesus heals a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. I’ve read and heard this text many times and never noticed four words […]

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A Million Is A Lot

Last time I asked: Can You Do A Thousand Of Something? As a teacher I saw a lot of interesting student projects. One of the coolest was devised by a group of seventh graders. They proposed collecting a million of something. Have you ever seen a million of anything in one place? It was a […]

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A Quarter Century…

…is a long time. I can remember when a quarter-century was my whole life, then most of my life. Now it’s less than half my life, but it’s still a long time. A quarter-century ago today, lots of things were different for me. I still had hair, for example. And I could walk. Tomorrow’s the […]

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Happy Monday! I took a really winding path to today’s word-of-the-week… BELIEVE Do you really believe what you believe? A guy told me a few days ago that the most important thing we can do is tell people the truth of scripture, especially when it hurts. I asked him to explain. He said people need […]

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