Demand Your Rights?

We’ve heard a lot of discussion lately about rights. Our country’s debating gun rights and constitutional rights. I spent some time earlier this week at the National Civil Rights Museum. I met in Memphis with a group called ARC Mid-South that advocates for disability rights.

Everybody’s all about their rights.

In a recent article titled Right I wrote, “Somehow, we’ve got to rise above the notion that my rights, or even being right, are transcendent.”

This weekend we got an even more powerful dose of truth about our rights. In a church we visited the pastor asked, “What are our rights as Christians?”

He answered his own question. “Apart from Jesus, we have only one right. We have the right to go to hell, to live in eternity separated from God’s love. Whatever else we receive comes only through God’s grace and Jesus’ sacrifice.”

There’s some naked truth, huh? I think I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m tempted to insist on “my rights.”

Reminds me to be careful about what I wish for.

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I’m riding a thousand miles around Florida to help feed hungry kids. It’s going to be a blast. If you want in on the fun, click the chain ring and follow free blog updates.

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