It’s not about me. How often do we say it? Today I want to tell you about someone who lives it–an authentic, invisible servant. We had a minor mishap this week, a few inches of water in our basement that made a general mess of things. Got the cleanup done, now we”re dealing with mold […]
Continue readingSome Days…
…it’s hard to write because the ideas just won’t come. Some days it’s hard because the house is filled with friends who dropped everything and showed up when they heard you had three inches of water in your basement. So you’re grateful, but it’s hard to sit at a computer while people carry soaked boxes […]
Continue readingActs Or Opinions?
I’m glad it’s The Book of Acts and not The Book of Opinions. Another bit of wisdom from Bob Goff, which I guess makes sense from a guy who titled his book Love Does. Ever notice that the disciples didn’t get missionary training or a theology degree before they took off to make disciples? Now that I think […]
Continue readingWho’s Thirsty?
Maybe we ought to spend a little less time and effort telling people they’re thirsty. That’s another challenge I brought away from our time with Bob Goff last week. I’ll confess: I had to ponder this one a bit. Before reading further, what do you think he meant? I occasionally ride bikes with friends, and honestly […]
Continue readingWelcome
Happy Monday! A really smart guy got me thinking about todays’ word-of-the-week… WELCOME I was privileged to hear Bob Goff speak last Thursday, then Becky and I spent a couple of hours with him and about twenty people at breakfast the next morning. Over the next few days I’ll share some of the nuggets swirling […]
Continue readingEver Seen An Interrobang?
RICH’S RIDE allows us to connect with some amazing people. Becky and I were privileged to hear Bob Goff speak last Thursday, then spent a couple of hours with him and about twenty people at breakfast the next morning. Bob talked about an obscure punctuation mark called the INTERROBANG, a combination question mark & exclamation […]
Continue readingA Tribute Without Words
Happy Saturday! I have a sense that someday, a very long time in the future, archeologists or anthropologists will study our civilization and conclude that its most creative members made beer commercials. I’ll allow you to decide the implications of that trend, but this company certainly has a history of entertaining, sometimes meaningful ads. This week […]
Continue readingA Mob Of Hope
What’s your mental image of a “mob”? Did you think of a crime syndicate led by a “mob boss”? How about mob violence, or mob mentality? Mostly a mob isn’t a good thing. Mobs tend to be disorderly and out of control. They’re spontaneous, usually in a disruptive way. So what in the world is a HopeMob? […]
Continue readingDid You Really Hear What You Heard?
Our church heard sort of a groundbreaking message this weekend. (I told you part of it last time. You can watch here if you wish.) I suppose in the grand scheme of things it wasn’t earth-shattering. A buddy used to keep things in perspective by quipping, “It can’t be that important if more than a […]
Continue readingWhat’s Going To Happen?
As we’ve done a few of these tours I’ve learned that each one assumes its own unique character. You’d think one long distance bike ride would be pretty much like another. But this is about something more than bike rides, so each time we take off it’s really a new adventure. As soon as we learn how […]
Continue readingHow Do You Think It Ends?
I love stories that paint word pictures. This weekend our pastor shared an amazing story he experienced as a dream—or nightmare. You decide. This one’s gonna stick with me a while. # # # In his dream, he was standing on the platform in the church auditorium when a pleasant, refreshing rain began falling inside […]
Continue readingChurch
Happy Monday! A common thought brings us today’s word-of-the-week… CHURCH Recently someone commented, “Church causes more problems than it solves.” It’s not a new notion. Churches have had issues since they were established more than two thousand years ago. Many of Paul’s letters specifically address some dysfunctional church activity. The basic problem with church is […]
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