How Will Others Remember You?

“Any publicity is good publicity.” We’ve seen that truth play out again and again as public figures compete for the spotlight. In some arenas, apparently it doesn’t matter how you’re seen, as long as you’re seen. Do you ever get a little frustrated when people do the same selfish, hurtful things time after time, and […]

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Are You A Black Hole Or A Prism?

John 3:16 is perhaps the most well-known verse in the Bible. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That’s the outrageous nature of God’s sacrificial love for me—even His own Son was not too high a […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! I’m trying to put a positive spin on today’s word-of-the-week… BULLY I once thought a bully was a big kid shaking down a weaker kid for lunch money. Now I know bullies are adults, too. They’re bosses, parents, teachers, spouses, neighbors, pastors, celebrities, and pro athletes. A bully is an insecure person who […]

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My Story (Video)

During our last tour, Pastor Elwin Mack and the kind folks at Faith Assembly Church in Phoenix invited me to tell my story. When you’re the main speaker at a Sunday worship service, folks want to attach special words to what you’re doing. You’re preaching, or teaching, or giving the message. It’s a sermon, right? Except, of course, […]

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Drive Thru Prayer

The sign said: DRIVE THRU PRAYER. We looked and, sure enough, right next to the church driveway sat a guy in a folding chair under an awning. I made my typical sarcastic remarks. “I need my prayer supersized. Can I get fries with that?” We passed that church a few times during our days in […]

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Can You Fear Being Afraid?

“Why am I so afraid of everything?” She’s a college junior, perhaps 21 or 22 years old. From my perspective, it was a great question. “What are you afraid of?” She blurted out a list, a litany of seemingly everything that could possibly go wrong in this young woman’s life. “Whoa,” I chuckled, “you really […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Today’s perfect for this word-of-the-week… STORY Our recent southwest tour convinces me even more of the power of our own story. I thought a lot about story on the tour because telling our story was a big part of our purpose. Here are some thoughts and observations. I wish church folks didn’t call it […]

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