Why You Should Ignore New Year’s Resolutions

January 1Don’t start over on January 1st.

Okay, so that’s not the conventional advice. And you’re wondering what’s wrong with a new beginning in a new year. Isn’t God all about a fresh start?

But what if you forgot? What if New Year’s Day was football and junk food, and now it’s back to same-old-same-old? Did you miss your chance to start over?

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I love a lot of things about RICH’S RIDE. I love the generous people (that’s you!) who surround us and the opportunity to share God’s message of hope and possibilities.

One aspect of RICH’S RIDE I especially appreciate is the perspective of constant new beginnings.

Bad training ride? Get some rest, because there’ll be another one tomorrow. Or go ahead and be grumpy about it, but it won’t help.

A day on the road didn’t go well? When you roll out of bed tomorrow you get to go for a bike ride and talk to people about hope.

Blog post didn’t get the response you hoped for? Write a better one next time.

Tour didn’t go like you wanted?  Learn from it and move on, because there’s another tour in a few months and you have a chance to do better.

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You see the pattern, right? Every experience offers a chance to do something, learn from whatever happens, and get up and do it a little better tomorrow.

Or not.

I can choose to let yesterday wreck today, and too many times I do exactly that. Sometimes I let a single bad day wreck a bunch of todays. I’ll bet you have, too.

It’s okay. Romans 8:28 still works. It’s not my job to make it all work out—God’s got that part covered.

My job is to come to my senses and take advantage to the new beginning God offers today.

Don’t start over on January 1st. Start over today, whatever the calendar says.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans8:38-39)

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