How Do You Define Criminal?

I grew up believing laws were a good thing. I was taught to obey the law, respect the police who enforced it, and harbor a certain amount of disdain for those who intentionally violated laws. Mandela, Gandhi, and King were all criminals. All three great men spent time in jail. In the worldview of my […]

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Happy Monday! The passing of a giant sparks thoughts of today’s word-of-the-week… JUSTICE For me, Nelson Mandela stands with Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. as transformative figures of the twentieth century. Mandiba, Gandhiji, MLK—all three stood for forgiveness, nonviolence, sacrifice, and reconciliation. They acknowledged their failures, endured significant personal hardship, and placed service above […]

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Ever Faced FOOP?

Nehemiah had a big dream. I’m reading about it in Jon Swanson’s new book, A GREAT WORK. I’ll talk more about Jon’s book next week—today I’m thinking about one particular aspect of doing a great work. Following a dream, doing a great work—those require courage. God may ask you to raise a family or rescue […]

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It’s My Life, Right?

No, it’s not. I love great preaching that spurs me to think differently and dig a little deeper. This weekend Pastor Jeff Lucas offered a new (to me) perspective on idolatry and the 2nd commandment. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A familiar story prompts thoughts about today’s word-of-the-week… FRIEND In Mark 2, four friends took a paralyzed man to see Jesus. The crowd was too large and they couldn’t get close. They might have shrugged. “Well, we tried. Too bad it didn’t work out.” But the friends were too committed to give up […]

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A Way To Join The Circle

Once in a while it’s good to remember why we do what we do. The whole point of BOUNCING BACK is to form a circle of folks who want to discuss what it looks like to live life on purpose as followers of Jesus. One of my big goals is to invite you into the […]

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No Door Busting

Okay, it’s leftover time. And, of course, we now move on to those uniquely American holidays: Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. At this point I feel like I need a big-voice guy shouting about crazy, impossible-to-resist deals. Set your alarm, beat the crowds! Sorry, but that’s just not our style. Frankly, I don’t want […]

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A Different Fiftieth Anniversary

The past few days have been about remembering an event that re-shaped the world fifty years ago. For me, the public remembrance of President Kennedy’s death always evokes a more personal memory. I’ve told this story before, but a fiftieth anniversary seems like the right occasion to tell it again. # # # As Elmer’s […]

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