Let’s Build A Bigger Tent

I’ve been thinking about 2014 and this crazy ongoing dream called RICH’S RIDE. Budgets and sponsorships make December/January a good time to look back and look ahead. It’s an occasion to absorb the big picture, to look at where we’ve been and see if any patterns emerge. Projecting forward from those patterns sometimes provides a […]

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Living Or Life?

Ever run across a familiar idea stated in a way that smacks you between the eyes? I did some reading over the holiday break and encountered this quote: We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. (Winston Churchill) We need to pay the bills and we all […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A remarkable young lady gives a fresh look at today’s word-of-the-week… FAMILY I haven’t always appreciated the gift of family, especially at holiday time. I invite you to see “family” through Jackie Turner’s eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ywovusmbl24&app=desktop If you’d like to hear a bit more of Jackie’s story, here’s a video that goes a little […]

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I get a kick out of the TV show Duck Dynasty. If you’ve never watched, there’s no way to describe what happens. Mostly it’s just silly fun. I admire the Robertson family’s ingenuity and creativity. They don’t take themselves seriously, but they’re very serious about their faith in Jesus. Recently, Phil, the family patriarch, got […]

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Accumulated Wisdom About Being Wrong

I tend to jump to conclusions. It’s a bad habit, especially for a guy who sits in a wheelchair and can’t jump. But whenever there’s a controversy, I seem to have an innate need to choose a side. I’m getting better about keeping my thoughts to myself, but that doesn’t solve the heart problem. What we […]

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New Wheels!

We found an early Christmas gift under the RICH’S RIDE Christmas tree. One of our amazing sponsors, Top End Handcycles, hooked us up with a spiffy new set of high-tech wheels. Spinergy wheels are some of the best cycle wheels available. The carbon fiber rims are super light, and the whole system reduces rolling resistance […]

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It’s All About The Foundation

Appearances can deceive. Over the weekend I watched one of those DIY shows. A young woman purchased a cute, completely refurbished bungalow. After a few months the surface restorations began to crumble because the previous owner merely covered over serious, costly-to-repair problems. As a first-time owner, she was overwhelmed and tempted to walk away. But […]

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Happy Monday! A home repair prompts today’s word-of-the-week… SURPRISE Ah, Christmas—tis the season for surprises. Last week we heard a minor squeaking noise from our furnace fan. The noise stopped, but we had a guy come for a routine maintenance check. He walked up the basement stairs with that look on his face. A crack […]

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Empathy Illustrated

Happy Saturday! Maybe you’ve read my description of falling in the pit from Relentless Grace. This short video, narrated by Dr, Brene Brown, is a wonderful visual of the distinction between sympathy and empathy. Can’t see the video? Click here. have a great weekend!

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A Conversation With A Really Old Guy

My friend Jon Swanson’s been conversing with Nehemiah. Yeah, that Nehemiah, the one from the Bible who lived like twenty-five centuries ago and led the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. I know they talked because Jon published their discussions in A Great Work. If we weren’t sure, the subtitle confirms their relationship: A Conversation With Nehemiah […]

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It Always Matters

A couple of friends served in Vietnam. I remember when they came home. Among the things they talked about was “It don’t mean nothin’.” Apparently that phrase was a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with the horrors they confronted on a daily basis. It was a way of getting through each day when human […]

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