Gathering A Team

A team is a curious thing. I’m working these days on routes and presentations and lots of other stuff that will involve our team on FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14. It’s curious to think about twelve individual riders and two SAG drivers, while realizing that I’m planning for this other entity called a team that […]

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Thoughts About Thinking

This passage came up in our small group this week. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into […]

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Happy Monday! I wanted to share a cool story. It’s posted over at the RICH’S RIDE blog but I thought it was worth sharing here as well. So we’ll talk about today’s word-of-the-week… BIKES I get to do some of the coolest stuff, mostly just by hanging around amazing people like you. A while back a few of […]

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Is It Supposed To Be Easy?

My friend Paul and I talked a while back about the benefits of a bike adventure combined with advocating for a social justice cause. We shared stories of riders who exceeded everyone’s expectations because they were riding for something bigger than themselves. I said I wish everyone could have that sort of experience and sometimes […]

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How Can You Miss Church?

Words matter. We might dismiss them as “just semantics,” but often they’re not. We choose words that consciously or unconsciously express how and what we think. Last time I told you What I Learned By Missing Church. As I considered the responses I realized that my own title revealed something odd about my internal thoughts. […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Something our pastor said got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… BEST The preacher said, “We must do our best to …” I wondered how much God really expects from me. It seems like a lot of people get buried in the notion that God expects perfection, or at least some level of superhuman […]

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