Servants And Leaders


Suppose you noticed someone in obvious distress holding this sign. What would you do? WWJD?

Monte’s official title is “service dog,” though many folks call him a “helper dog.” I don’t think the difference is one of semantics. Serving is different than helping.

The strong help the weak, the big help the small, the able help the disabled. The superior help the inferior. Those who can help those who can’t.

Service turns this around. Servants are humble, invisible, and lowly. Servants do the tasks deemed unfit for the masters. In Jesus’ words, “A servant is not greater than his master.”

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FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 is heading down the road.

As we ride, I’m sharing our team devotionals with you. I hope you’re enjoying the ride.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. And of course I hope you’ll follow the ride by jumping over to the RICH’S RIDE blog.

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Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, the servant of all.”

How might a servant approach the person in distress with the “PLEASE DON’T HELP” sign?

How might an attitude of service impact or alter the interaction?

How would the person with the sign be involved?

What have you learned or observed about service on this tour?

We’re attempting to operate as a team of “servant leaders.” Is that a platitude or a reality? How does one fulfill both roles?

Please leave a comment here.

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