An interesting story always—ALWAYS—involves conflict. At its core, a compelling story follows a character who wants something and has to overcome conflict to get it. Conflict, in this instance, is anything that impedes progress toward the goal. We certainly didn’t PLAN to climb a fence to get around a closed trail, but the story lies […]
Continue readingUncomfortable
HAPPY MONDAY! I’m stating the obvious with today’s word-of-the-week… UNCOMFORTABLE I’m acutely aware today that I don’t like being uncomfortable. It’s awfully easy to write about stepping out of the comfort zone and trusting God, but this morning I feel like retreating. I want a big, wide safety net. I want someone else to take […]
Continue readingJudah And Dan
Traditions are the basis of great stories. When a group moves down the road, they obviously need a leader to make sure they follow the correct route. Equally important, they need someone to watch their backs, look out for stragglers, and make sure no one gets left behind. On many tours this person is called […]
Continue readingRaton Pass 2014
I enjoy the traditions we’re developing as FRONT RANGE FREEDOM Tour grows. Three of those traditions involve climbing Raton Pass, a team celebration at the summit, and a video with a special sound track that allows you to share a bit of this day. This video contains wonderful memories of a great accomplishment for our […]
Continue readingAn Act Of Remembering
We’ve completed our latest tour. I’m eager to get back on a regular schedule, but for today I want to offer a simple image. One of the RICH’S RIDE traditions is Helmets Up. Before each ride we raise our helmets and pause in prayer. It’s a simple acknowledgment that we ride in Jesus’ name. We began the […]
Continue readingWrapping Up
We’re in recovery mode this morning. It’s a good feeling, looking back, tearing down, wrapping up. Lots of stories still to be told, but today I want to leave you with images of the team’s climb of Raton Pass on Saturday. We began with our final HELMETS UP as a reminder of the One in […]
Continue readingComfort
Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! I am. Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14: 26-27) Jesus didn’t play it safe, and He didn’t seclude […]
Continue readingWhat If You’re Tired?
It’s difficult to explain the experience of this tour. You ride tons of miles, day after day. Every morning you load the trailer before you’re awake, every night you unload while you’re exhausted from the day’s ride. You don’t get enough sleep, then you start all over again. If you’re me, when everyone else hits […]
Continue readingAre You Afraid To Listen?
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) The guy at the retreat answered a question about fear in a brutally honest manner. “I’m afraid if I really listen to God, He might tell me to do […]
Continue readingThe Freedom Riders
Wednesday, it rained. By itself, that’s not so unusual. If you spend enough time cycling on open roads, you’ll encounter some rain. Our team was stopped in a parking lot to repair a flat when the first drops fell, so they sheltered for about 45 minutes under a store overhang. While we waited, we noticed […]
Continue readingServants And Leaders
PLEASE DON’T HELP! Suppose you noticed someone in obvious distress holding this sign. What would you do? WWJD? Monte’s official title is “service dog,” though many folks call him a “helper dog.” I don’t think the difference is one of semantics. Serving is different than helping. The strong help the weak, the big help the […]
Continue readingA Time For Community
We begin each day with a word of the day. Everyone gathers in a circle and someone suggests a word for us to consider and discuss as we ride. Tuesday’s word was COMMUNITY. One of the things I love most about team rides is the intense sense of community that develops when a group of folks […]
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