
HAPPY MONDAY! A cool new product inspired today’s word-of-the-week… SLOW Ever heard of a “slow watch“? It’s a real thing. Basically it’s a 24-hour watch with a single hand. The idea is that we don’t need to know the time down to the minute and second. So if we wear a watch that doesn’t measure life in […]

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Shine Or Reflect?

Forty-six years ago this week, two humans first stood on the moon. July 20, 1969 offered an historic opportunity for perspective. Many folks saw an opportunity to look toward the stars. Others turned and gazed homeward. The shining blue Earth reminded me of a curious bit of advice I saw recently. The author suggested if […]

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Who’s Watching?

On the recent FREEDOM TOUR, our team basically commandeered the patio at the Sonic restaurant in Trinidad–twice. Friday we celebrated our century ride with cold drinks and ice cream. Saturday we returned for lunch following our summit of Raton Pass. Sixteen individual orders shouted over all sorts of laughter and stories of conquest, on a busy day […]

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How To Change Your Attitude

How did riding a handcycle change your attitude? It’s been a nagging question, part of my story that never quite made sense. Everyone knows a better attitude (whatever that means) would lead to a better life. Thing is, I don’t think there’s an “Easy Button” for changing attitudes. Here’s an idea: what if you don’t worry about […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! One of my favorite scriptures (that I don’t apply very well) leads to today’s word-of-the-week… FOR I believe scripture tells us to be “for” things. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians […]

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What Do You Do When You’re Angry?

I want to pound the table. I want to shout, throw things, start a fight. I want to fill my social media with angry, sarcastic, indignant reactions. That’s what I  want to do when I see injustice, when the words and acts of others harm innocent bystanders. Human trafficking. Racism. Sexism. Religious intolerance. Poverty. Needless mass incarceration. […]

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How Did This Happen?

You can’t do something like this without a bit of looking back. When Becky and I proposed the FREEDOM TOUR three years ago we were absolutely sure it was a great idea. We thought someone else would grab the vision and run with it. Truthfully, we desperately wanted somebody to tell us what to do. Lesson: […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! See if you agree about today’s word-of-the-week… REHEARSE I wonder if our life’s determined by what we rehearse. An actor reads the lines once and they’re words on a page. Great actors rehearse until they become the character represented by the words. One person looks at a long bike ride and says, “I could never do that.” […]

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Your Job Or Your Life?

Why are you going to Ordway? As people looked at our route map, that was one of the common questions. Ordway is a small ranching community on Colorado’s eastern plains. It’s the pronounced “lump” in our meandering course along the Front Range. Why Ordway? involved an invitation we couldn’t refuse. It’s a long story, but I’d […]

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