If Only We Could Trust

trustThere are lots of gaps between what we know and what we believe.

We know outcomes don’t depend on the size of our efforts. We know God asks us to do what we can, where we are, with what we have and then trust Him for the results.

We know, but do we believe? Do we trust? Do our actions reflect that trust?

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When a hungry crowd showed up, worried disciples wanted Jesus to send them into town. Look at His first response.

Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” (Matthew 14:16)

The implication—they had what they needed. Only when they complained about limited resources did Jesus ask them to bring the fish and bread to Him.

Their ability to meet the need was limited by faith, not food.

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More than thirty-six million people live in modern-day slavery. You and I can’t really comprehend the overwhelming magnitude of that horror.

Twenty-two kids live at Project Rescue’s HOME OF HOPE in New Delhi. Twenty-two out of thirty-six million—as a percentage, that’s a lot of zeroes in front of the decimal point.

But—God doesn’t work in percentages. Can you imagine how much those twenty-two kids matter to God?

We hear Jesus saying something like, “Don’t send them away. You give them a place to stay.”

We could say, “We don’t really know how to do that, but we’ll do what we can, where we are, with what we have and then trust You for the results.”

Or we could reply, as the disciples did, by listing the inadequate resources at our disposal and all the reasons we can’t do it. And perhaps He’d shake His head sadly and say, “Bring what you have.”

He’d give thanks, and ask us to distribute the stuff, and there’d be more than enough.

We’d be left wondering how He did it, because there’s a gap between what we know and what we believe.

And He’d want us to understand that if we would just get to work and trust Him for the outcome we’d see miracles.

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2 thoughts on “If Only We Could Trust

  1. Greg Smith - August 28, 2015

    Thank you for sharing this today!

    1. Rich - August 28, 2015

      I needed to hear it, too.

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