God’s In Control–Right?

open-hands-1024x682A friend’s in some trouble.

You know it. Everyone else knows it. Your friend knows it.

And right now, there’s nothing you can do to help. You’ve done what you can, so now you wait, and hope, and pray. And feel helpless.

You know God’s in control.

But God was in control when the trouble began, so that doesn’t help much.

But then you remember: God’s In Control isn’t a bumper-sticker slogan intended to reassure you that everything will somehow turn out the way you want. Life doesn’t work that way.

God’s In Control reminds you He’s God and you’re not. It reminds you to be Jesus in blue jeans without trying to save the world or any of its people. Savior isn’t in your job description.

God’s in control. You’re not. So if you’ve truly done what you can do, it’s about trust and faith and hope–all those things you claim to believe.

It’s hard, but that’s okay. Read the story of Jesus praying in the garden the night before He died.

It was hard for Him, too.

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