“What’s your advice for us, for people our age?” They were mostly twenty-somethings. I told them about the FREEDOM TOUR and the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. The theme was mission and community, the notion of seeing a need and doing something to meet it. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
Happy Monday! Two ways of framing a question brings us today’s word-of-the-week… HOW “How can someone do that to another human being?” Good question. When we see torture, slavery, child sexual abuse, it’s easy to wonder what special sort of evil invades the heart of a person who perpetrates such vile, unimaginable acts. Good question, but not […]
Continue readingNot My Job
It’s not my job to manage or control another person. It’s my place to listen, patiently, and try to understand. It’s not my job to tell another person what to do. It’s my place to hear his dilemma and help him clarify the options. It’s not my job to be certain what I’d do if I […]
Continue readingGuilt And The Least Of These
Ever felt a little guilty for “not doing enough”? Ever been bonked with a “you’re going to hell” scripture aimed at pushing you to to sign up or open your wallet? Ever felt like you’re supposed to eradicate poverty, solve racism, eliminate human trafficking, or at least feel bad about not trying? Ever wonder if you’re […]
Continue readingUncertainty
Happy Monday! I’m absolutely sure about today’s word-of-the-week… UNCERTAINTY We need to embrace uncertainty. We want our answers in neat little packages. Most of the time, truth can’t be reduced to a 10-word slogan. Real solutions can’t be captured in 30-second sound bites. As followers of Jesus, of course we believe in certain absolute truths. We should […]
Continue readingDon’t Fall For Fear’s Magic Act
Fear behaves like an accomplished magician. Ever notice fear’s remarkable slight-of-hand? The big flourish, the loud bang divert our attention from the real action. LOOK OVER HERE! where nothing’s really happening, and while we’re distracted fear picks our pockets. Fear desperately seeks to engage us with BREAKING NEWS that likely isn’t breaking and ON-SCENE REPORTERS who probably […]
Continue readingThe Day After MLK
Yesterday we celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There’s a risk in setting aside a special day to commemorate Dr. King’s life. We may invest ourselves in a one-day avalanche of feel-good quotes and Facebook memes, then return to business as usual. That would be a shame, because it’s clear that Dr. […]
Continue readingEquity
Happy Monday! In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. let’s consider today’s word-of-the-week… EQUITY Dr. King spoke about justice, which is often equated with equality. Perhaps we should focus more on the notion of equity. I’m not sure how we generate equality in a diverse culture. Different abilities and passions. Different nations, backgrounds, traditions. City folks or rural folks. Even […]
Continue readingWhen You Should Pick A Lane
I recall the first time I drove on a city freeway. Kid from Iowa, multiple lanes, traffic zooming all around, signs pointing in all directions, drivers speeding and changing lanes from all angles. I felt overwhelmed and my mom offered some great advice. “Pick a lane.” She told me to choose a lane, drive with […]
Continue readingFollowing Jesus Is Like Training
Note: I originally posted these thoughts over at the Rich’s Ride blog. I thought they sort-of fit here as well. # # # Training always begins with individual growth. Might sound selfish, but that’s how it has to be. Training, initially, is an individual deal. Only strong, skilled individuals can comprise a strong, skilled team. So […]
Continue readingWhy You Train Matters (And Why You Should)
Training always begins with individual growth. Might sound selfish, but that’s how it has to be. Training, initially, is an individual deal. Only strong, skilled individuals can comprise a strong, skilled team. So whether you’re training for an individual activity or something intrinsically team-oriented, you’re have to focus first on what you can do to […]
Continue readingAssumptions
Happy Monday! A conversation with a friend got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… ASSUMPTIONS The assumptions people make about you, your story, and your experiences disclose a great deal. They disclose a great deal about the person making the assumptions, and you may wish to pay attention to what that person is telling you about himself. But […]
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