When You’re Too Slow

My first handcycle rides were slow. We’re talking an embarrassing kind of slow, the kind of slow where the neighbor ladies pushing kid-carriers sometimes passed me. And that’s when I was moving at all and not stopped to rest my weak, skinny arms. I was really, really slow. My fastest ride during the summer of […]

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How To Avoid The Chaos

Election season likely has us all a bit flustered. How do we keep our eye on the dream when there’s so much noise and sheer craziness oozing from every corner of the culture? After a coffee conversation with a wise friend (and a nice, peaceful bike ride), I listed a few ideas. Perhaps they’ll help. […]

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Monte Learned About Fear

Five years ago, Monte encountered his first taste of fear. As you’ll see, he was confused. We could all learn something from Monte’s response to fear. # # # We’re in another new place called the South. I don’t know what that means—it’s just another place with unique smells to check out. But I have […]

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Inspired By Hope

Five years ago I was riding my bike 1500 miles. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the ride was long hours to think, ponder, and just be alone with God. You know you’re lost in your thoughts when you lose track of which state you’re riding in. # # # I wonder if I’m motivated or […]

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