At The Center

8.09016 frft 1What do you want at the center?

I confronted that question during the last few days in a totally unexpected set of circumstances. Had to answer What really matters? as I concurrently smile and tremble in fear. Took the first step on a journey with no clue about what the path looks like.

And I’m supposed to be the guide! Someone else is counting on me for direction.

So what matters when I’m wondering about step #2? It sure isn’t stuff, all the things that occupy too much of my attention most of the time. It isn’t Facebook and Twitter and the screens at which I often stare mindlessly. And it isn’t the political uproar…well, maybe it’s a little bit of that.

I realized quickly that what matters is people and relationships. Life, at its core, is about love. All the rest is just stuff.

I think that’s what we love about the FREEDOM TOUR. There’s the bike riding and the fund raising and all that, and it’s all fun and we have a great time. But everyone involved knows there’s more to it.

The FREEDOM TOUR is a community. We’re a group of people united by love and shared sacrifice. All the rest is just stuff.

You and I like to pretend we know where we’re going. Mostly, we don’t. It’s okay, though.

We follow the One who does.

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