Are You Looking For Your Purpose?

“What’s my purpose?” One benefit of talking to people about bike tours is deep conversations. It’s not uncommon for someone to tackle a big challenge because she’s trying to uncover God’s purpose for her life. I understand. I’ve gained great insight into “What’s my purpose?” while gazing over the front wheel of my handcycle. My […]

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When We Listen To Imaginary Friends

I see trailers for a new TV show called IMAGINARY MARY. Apparently a thirty-something woman’s “imaginary friend” reappears as this cute little animated stuffed animal which only she can see and hear and, well…you and I likely won’t be watching, right? Who’s silly enough to believe in, much less listen to, an imaginary friend? Until […]

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Who’s In Charge?

Someone asked me that a while back…”Who’s in charge of the FREEDOM TOUR?” I asked what he meant. “Well, who does it belong to? You know…who’s actually responsible for it?” We chatted a bit and I realized that he was trying to understand if the tour was a program or ministry of some church or […]

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Why People Come Back

A friend asked me why she should join the FREEDOM TOUR team. I’ve listed the benefits before: Be part of a story bigger than yourself. Support kids rescued from human trafficking. Step out of your comfort zone. Stand for justice. Challenge yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Get closer to God. Have fun. As I made my […]

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It’s All About The Hub

I love good metaphors. I especially appreciate metaphors that involve circles. Make the circle a bike wheel and you’ve got the perfect metaphor for a blog about cycling. Our friends at Venture Expeditions created a terrific story involving the parts of a bicycle wheel. Here’s my interpretation. Consider how the parts of the wheel work […]

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