When Will It Finally Be Enough?

windowIf I could just do a little better.

Not perfect, or great, or even really good…probably can’t get there. But would just bit better finally be good enough?

You and I think those thoughts occasionally, don’t we? We wonder if maybe, just maybe, a little bit better might get the approval we so desperately seek.

If I could just do a little better…

He’d finally notice my hard work.

She’d finally love me.

They’d stop picking on me.

I’d be part of the group.

If I could just do a little better…God would love me.

So we double the effort. Work longer. Sign up for the mission team. Visit the nursing home.

Join the bike tour.

Do everything possible to let them see we’re trying. Trying to help. Trying to fit in, do the right thing, be good enough. Desperately hoping they’ll notice. And approve.

Maybe it’ll finally be enough.

Then maybe I’ll finally be enough.

Except it never works. It never works because that’s not the design.

Good news for Monday morning:

We can stop trying to be good enough.

You and I don’t need to earn love. Jesus already loves us just as we are.

We’re free. We can serve, love, give without trying to measure up.

The FREEDOM TOUR cyclists aren’t riding their bikes to impress anyone, to score brownie points. They’re not training and sweating to earn God’s favor.

We do this out of love and freedom and a desire to step into the big story of how God is bringing justice to suffering victims. It’s exciting to meet and join like-minded folks in this sort of community.

You can join us. Lots of ways to jump into this fun circle. http://frontrangefreedomtour.org/

But what matters most is that you find your own way into this story. You can experience the kind of joy and freedom that happens in a community of folks serving together for a common purpose.

You don’t have to do better. You only have to do…you.

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