Do You Love Fish?

open handsI recently heard an interesting story about love.

A man says he he’s eating fish because he loves fish.

His friend replies, “So you love the fish so much…you removed him from the water, cooked him, and ate him?

I’m not sure you love the fish.

I think you love the way the fish tastes. The fish meets your needs, so you removed him from the water, cooked him, and ate him.”

That, I think, is fish love.

A lot of what passes for “love” in our culture is fish love.

Two young people fall in love…which too often really means they see in each other someone who they believe will meet all of their physical or emotional needs.

Fish love. It’s love that gets, that meets my needs.

So we join or leave a church based on whether we’re being fed. We jump into the mission trip because we’re seeking a life-changing experience. We join the bike tour because it sounds like a lot of fun.

Fish love.

Jesus said His kingdom is about service. He said in His economy, the last will be first and the first will be last. Authentic love is about what we can give.

Nearly everyone gives to those he loves. Jesus asks us to give generously and sacrificially, and to love those to whom we give.

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BTW: Nothing wrong with eating fish. Personally, I love a good thick steak. I don’t love the steer.

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