Today’s an anniversary. Six years ago, Becky and I stepped out in faith on the remarkable journey that became RICH’S RIDE. I thought you might enjoy looking back at what I posted about that wonderful day. # # # Day one of Rich’s Ride…wow! We experienced a gorgeous beginning, a prayer shared with friends and […]
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In It Together
We’re all in this thing together. We awaken this morning to images of destruction as Hurricane Irma grinds its way north. Now begins the massive task of response. I admire those who step forward, who are able and willing to assist their neighbors in the immediate aftermath of massive disasters like Irma and Harvey. If […]
Continue readingHow About Those Results?
All’s well that ends well. right? We’re a results-based culture. Final score. GPA. ROI. Seth Godin recently said…Nothing Matters More Than Results…except for all the things we really value. Relationships and community. Eternal principles. Forgiveness. Grace. Hope. It’s that pesky question again. Do I really believe what I believe? I say it frequently: There’s no […]
Continue readingThere’s Stuff You Don’t See
A picture’s worth a thousand words. I publish lots of words about the FREEDOM TOUR. I write about the community and the cause, but the pictures really tell the story. Pictures show the ride, the climbs, the laughs, the prayers in a way words can’t describe. We have LOTS of images. You can go to […]
Continue readingIt’s All About The Likes
How many likes did I get? The epic selfie, the spontaneous staged video. If I can attract just a second or two of your attention, maybe you’ll like me or follow me or **gasp** maybe even be my friend. We all know the secret. No big deal if I got a hot dog at a […]
Continue readingWhat To Do About That Boulder?
A modern-day parable (an old tale with a slight twist): A wise king once ordered a large boulder to be placed on a heavily traveled path, then hid nearby to observe how people dealt with this barrier. Almost everyone who encountered the boulder expressed annoyance. Many were simply angry and frustrated about the inconvenience and delay. […]
Continue readingLearning What I Already Know
“The most important stuff I learn are things I already knew.” A guy said that yesterday during Q&A after a class. It’s a powerful reality. In 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years. By the end of 1945, the rate was every 25 years. Currently it’s 13 months. We long ago became overwhelmed with […]
Continue readingA Ripple Comes Home
We talk a lot about creating ripples. Our actions disturb the surface. Mostly we don’t know the ultimate outcome, but we trust God’s hand to guide the waves for good. Occasionally a small swell laps the shore right at our feet. Perhaps you recall my friend Scott Acton and his bike trip around the world […]
Continue readingIt’s Gonna Cost Us (Always)
Count the cost. I always learn new stuff when we do a bike tour…mostly it’s not about riding bikes. One big lesson for 2017 seems to be about culture and the cost of every choice. As a teacher I believed every kid could learn mathematics. “Some people just don’t think that way” is nonsense. Research […]
Continue readingBetween Fear And … ?
Most people think we choose between fear and courage. Coward or hero. Live in fear or face it, that’s how the choice is framed. Perhaps one of my lasting impressions of FREEDOM TOUR 2017 comes from the story behind this photo. (Click the link to read the inspirational tale of Phil and J.C.) I suppose […]
Continue readingA Different Way To Join The Circle
“How can I support the FREEDOM TOUR?” It’s a common question, and we have lots of ways for you to join the circle and support the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. One simple way is shopping…who doesn’t like shopping, right? You can buy a great gift and show your love for the cause. Proceeds […]
Continue readingModern Day (Real) Freedom
On the FREEDOM TOUR we talk about modern day slavery. It’s a heavy topic, the notion that right now, as you read these words, humans buy and sell other humans for economic gain and personal pleasure. Even tougher when it’s children and it’s occurring on a larger scale than any time in history. Get too […]
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