Wednesday, it rained. By itself, that’s not so unusual. If you spend enough time cycling on open roads, you’ll encounter some rain. Our team was stopped in a parking lot to repair a flat when the first drops fell, so they sheltered for about 45 minutes under a store overhang. While we waited, we noticed […]
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Servants And Leaders
PLEASE DON’T HELP! Suppose you noticed someone in obvious distress holding this sign. What would you do? WWJD? Monte’s official title is “service dog,” though many folks call him a “helper dog.” I don’t think the difference is one of semantics. Serving is different than helping. The strong help the weak, the big help the […]
Continue readingA Time For Community
We begin each day with a word of the day. Everyone gathers in a circle and someone suggests a word for us to consider and discuss as we ride. Tuesday’s word was COMMUNITY. One of the things I love most about team rides is the intense sense of community that develops when a group of folks […]
Continue readingWhat’s Justice?
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 (Tim Keller) When I was professor at a theological seminary in the mid-eighties, one of my students was a young man named Mark Gornik. One day we were standing at the […]
Continue readingLife’s Not Fair
There’s a lot about life that’s simply not fair. It’s not fair that a team of people can bring hope and freedom to victims of human trafficking by riding their bikes through beautiful Colorado country on a picture-perfect day. It’s not fair that I get to have all this fun doing something I love with […]
Continue readingDo You Notice?
FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 is heading down the road. As we ride, I’m sharing our team devotionals with you. I hope you’re enjoying the ride. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. And of course I hope you’ll follow the ride by jumping over to the RICH’S RIDE blog. # # # […]
Continue reading50 Orange Jerseys…
…created quite an image along the highway heading out of Cheyenne. About 40 single-day riders joined our core team to help us get FRONT RANGE FREEDOM Tour ’14 underway. The unity and common sense of purpose made this, for most of the riders, much more than a bike ride. We never managed to get everyone […]
Continue readingTime To Check Out The Horizon
Today, we begin. This evening our team will gather, meet each other, and celebrate weeks of training. We’ll learn together about the HOME OF HOPE and pray for the kids we’re supporting. And we’ll look forward, a little, at what God might have in mind for us as we wind our way down Colorado’s beautiful […]
Continue readingDon’t Forget The Milk
FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 is about to blast off. We’ll gather as a team on Friday and begin our journey on Saturday morning. We’re excited, but I’m going to be a little busy for the next few days. I thought you might enjoy being part of our journey by sharing our daily team devotions. […]
Continue readingRacing Or Touring?
Former Texas basketball coach Abe Lemons once joked that track was a simple sport to coach. “Just tell ‘em to turn left and get back as fast as they can.” Some folks approach a bike tour with a similar mentality—follow the directions and get to the end as fast as you can. That’s a perfect […]
Continue readingWhere Are You Supposed To Go?
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) Who, me? And where, exactly, am I supposed to go? Pretty good questions—I’ll bet you’ve asked them a time or two. I know I have. I’m asking them a […]
Continue readingIt’s Time For A Cliche
Clichés become clichés because they’re true. Yeah, they’re overused and trite, and we deploy them too often when we don’t know what else to say. But all that doesn’t reduce their truth. FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 begins in five days. There are about a million items on the checklist. It would be easy to […]
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