We Have To Move

From John Sowers: “When the story of earth is told, all that will be remembered is the truth we exchanged. The vulnerable moments. The terrifying risk of love and the care we took to cultivate it.” ~ Don Miller Love requires us to take that terrifying risk. To take that first dangerous step into the […]

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Facts Or Truth?

“Facts are the enemy of truth!” So said Don Quixote de la Mancha. And you might wonder about the judgment of someone who seeks wisdom from a fictional dreamer who imagined himself to be a knight and thought windmills were enemies to be vanquished. Don Quixote may have been mad, but he saw in his […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A friend’s blog inspired today’s word-of-the-week… MEAN Why can’t the bible just mean what it means? Well, it does. But knowing what the bible means isn’t always quite as simple as it might sound. My friend Jon Swanson wrote about some words in the book of James. As Jon explains, words often require […]

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Rejecting The Wrong God

Most people today, in short, assume that the word God refers to a dull, distant, and perhaps dangerous being. Most of those who think like that try hard, not surprisingly, to believe that this being doesn’t exist. “I don’t believe in God,” said the novelist Kingsley Amis, “and I hate him.” They are right. That […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! One of my favorite things is today’s word-of-the-week… QUESTIONS I’ve learned everyone doesn’t share my love of authentic questions. I guess I understand, since questions are often thinly-disguised weapons. “Why did you do it that way?” may be a sincere inquiry. Or it may be an attack…”That was a dumb way to do […]

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Freedom Tour ’15 Video

Did you know we have a theme song? Our friend Kristen Orphan from Finally Home Foundation graciously donated her beautiful recording of this inspirational song. If this doesn’t get you fired up, have someone check your pulse!   Can’t see the video? Click here. There’s a way for everyone to join this team. You know you […]

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