People Pleasing

To some extent, we all get caught in the trap of people-pleasing.

It’s natural to want folks to like us, perhaps even admire us. Becomes a problem, though, when we start orienting our choices around what we think might impress others.

I thought about how this might look as we seek to serve riders and volunteers on this summer’s FREEDOM TOUR and how easy it is to start worrying about how we might offend someone. And there’s the “AHA” moment.

Pleasing people & serving them may look the same on the outside, but they’re different on the inside. Serving is out of love, pleasing is out of fear.

If I’m afraid of offending, afraid they won’t return, that they won’t approve…I can’t serve with open hands and heart. My “service” becomes a transaction or manipulation.

Authentic service has to come from unconditional, no-strings-attached love.

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