
It seems like the more times I travel around the sun, the more nuance I discover in the world.

Most situations don’t lend themselves to the black and white solutions we wish for. As much as we would like a pill for every malady and an answer to every difficult question, more and more it seems to me that those don’t exist very often.

In a complex world, it seems like folks rush to two extremes. One group pretends they have the answer to every question and treats those who don’t agree as the enemy. The other group decides there’s no such thing as certainty in any situation…and treats those who don’t agree as the enemy.

Most circumstances are too complex for this sort of extreme certainty. It’s difficult, but a lot more honest, to admit we might not have every answer.

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There’s another side to this coin. In recognizing complexity and nuance, one might fall prey to the argument that there’s no such thing as solid ground or truth. Everything becomes situational.

Right is still right. Evil is still evil. In all circumstances, everywhere.

Thankfully, we don’t have to be the judge. We just have to follow the One who is and do our best to do what He asks.

The FREEDOM TOUR supports a group of kids rescued from human trafficking because Jesus said we should reach out to those in need, and He specifically mentioned orphans. And it’s pretty clear to us that human trafficking is a horrific evil.

Here’s the problem: for followers of Jesus, words like freedom and right and evil are Kingdom terms, best understood in an eternal Kingdom context. So while Jesus invites us to support and care for our kids and their immediate needs, His concern is also eternal.

Follow Me.

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