Hedging Bets

Last time I talked about following Jesus with purpose.

It sounds so good when you say it at the start of new year, all fresh and new and ready to jump in with both feet. Then you think about actually having to do it, and it sounds a little harder. At least it does to me.

Do I really want to go all in, right from the start? And I start feeling like I should hedge my bet, back off a little, because what are people gonna think when I fail? And I know I’m gonna fail.

Here’s what I’ve learned. Every time, every single time, Jesus has invited me to step forward, it has never made sense. I’ve been absolutely sure I did not have the ability or the resources to do whatever he was asking me to do. But he doesn’t want me to hedge my bet.

He wants me to go all in, to trust him. That’s what faith is. It’s believing he is enough when I’m absolutely sure I’m not.

Those who know me best would tell you I get it wrong most of the time. What I know, even though I don’t always believe it, is that Jesus knows me better than I do. He knew what he was getting when he asked me to follow him.

If you’re thinking, like I am, about a fresh start, about following Jesus with a renewed sense of purpose, don’t worry because you didn’t start January 1st. Any day is a good day to begin. And don’t hedge your bet because of what you are not, as I’ve so often do.

Trust him because of who he is and what he can accomplish. He only asks us to do what we can and trust him for the outcome.

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