The Second Half

Last time I talked about two halves of my life – before and after my injury.

After receiving several very nice comments, I realized that I omitted one very important point.

I’ve navigated the second half of this journey only because I was supported by a circle of caring, loving people. I’ve often observed that a lot of people work really hard so that I can live independently.

During 24 years of teaching from a wheelchair, colleagues and students adapted to my unique needs in a variety of ways and helped me enjoy a rewarding, successful career. I’ve cranked my handcycle thousands of miles because people maintain my bike, change my tires, and do all sorts of things to allow me the exercise and freedom that comes from riding my bike.

I have people like you who open my blog and read my books and occasionally send me comments. You will never know how much encouragement your presence brings.

I could go on and on, because there’s not much I do that isn’t aided or supported by amazing friends and medical professionals.

And of course there’s my there’s my wonderful wife, who sacrifices so much that most folks will never see each day to make sure I can make the most of my limited abilities. She would tell you it’s no big deal.

It is.

+ + +

While I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by such amazing friends, I also recognize that my experience is just a magnified version of your life.

The Lone Ranger was a myth. We all need community. That’s how we were created. To some greater or lesser extent depending on current life circumstances, we need other people to live the full, rich life God intended for us.

I don’t know what this second half will look like. I do know I’m grateful I don’t have to navigate it by myself.

2 thoughts on “The Second Half

  1. Ken Conn - December 8, 2023

    Such a great point. Especially for people that believe the myth that they are weak or less than if they accept help, or worse, ask for it. I say that as someone that often believes the myth. Also, even when people you are helping in a Jesus loving way push back or refuse, don’t take it personally. Just keep loving them like Jesus. You’ll have plenty of opportunities.

    1. Rich - December 8, 2023

      I’m right with you. I want to do it myself, and I’m grateful for those who gently persist! It’s the whole story of the book RELENTLESS GRACE.

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